Dr Kaukab Siddique
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siddiquekaukab@lincoln.edu     butshikan@msn.com
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English 101
Department of English and Mass Communications
Semester: Fall 2011
Instructor:    Dr. Kaukab Siddique
Office:        University Hall. Rm. 302
Phone:         Ext. 7515
E-mail:        ksidd37398@aol.com
Office Hours:  M & W 2 to 4
English Course Description (from the Bulletin):
This standard course in college-level writing is required of all students. It reviews the rules of syntax, grammar, and punctuation, and surveys the common rhetorical approaches to expository writing. In addition to other requirements, a student must pass an exit exam.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of English 099 (formerly 101) or placement in course.

Learner Objectives:
The major course Learner Outcome is the following:

Learning Opportunities/Activities Designed to Meet the Learner Outcomes:

Writing. A minimum of six graded compositions, three composed in class, must constitute the primary factor in determining a student's final grade for the course. Faculty members are encouraged to assign quizzes and exams that test students' knowledge of mechanics, grammar, and usage. Faculty members are encouraged to assign additional essays, graded or ungraded. The traditional five paragraph essay structure, with thesis statement, topic sentences, introductions and conclusions, should be emphasized. The final drafts of essays should grow out of sentence outlines and then multiple-revision drafts; these aspects should be treated as discrete, sequential parts of essay assignments. Faculty members are encouraged to allow students to revise at least some of their essays; revision grades may be incorporated into the grading system according to the faculty member's judgment. The following rhetorical modes will be emphasized in English 101:

The following rhetorical modes will be taught:
Comparison and Contrast,
Division and Classification,
Cause and Effect Analysis

Active participation in class activities. Students should be prepared for all classes. Faculty members are encouraged to devise collaborative activities, such as group exercises and peer evaluation.

Reading of all assigned texts.

Additionally, all students in English 101 take part in the Department of English Composition Assessment Program.

Required Texts:
Hacker, Diana. A Pocket Style Manual. Fifth Edition.
Jontry, Brie. The Lincoln University English 099 & 101 Reader.
Beah, Ismael, Beah. A Long Way Gone. Memoirs of a Boy Soldier.

Course Requirements:
Writing (80% of grade):

The four (4) in-class essays (10% each) plus four (4) revisions of those essays (10% each) constitutes the primary factor in determining a student’s final grade for the course.

In order to qualify for course completion, each student must demonstrate minimum writing competency by passing the Department of English Composition Assessment exam with at least a B- on one essay. There will be at least four chances to pass this in-class writing exam. Each of the four major papers will have as a component of their production an evaluated in-class essay, which will work in support of the Department's multiple-draft, revision-based pedagogy. The average of the four essays will be used as the core foundation for the course grade. At least one essay with a grade above a B- will be submitted to the Department' s Writing Program Administrator, who will use a statistical model of sampling to corroborate the reliability of the Assessment Program. These essays will not be returned.

Failure to achieve a B- on at least one of the four exams results in course failure.

Passing the assessment essay does not mean that you automatically pass English 101. This is one of the minimum requirements for course completion.

Learner Opportunity Assignment Descriptions: Mid-term Exam and Final Essay Exam: (10 % of grade)
These exams are a part of the Assessment Program, and will consist of two in-class essays—the comparison essay for the mid-term and a final essay taken during the final exam period. There will also be a grammar mid term examination.

Minimum grades. In spring 1990, the Department adopted the following policy: in order to pass the course, students must receive a grade of a C- or better on at least four graded essays in ENG 101.

Assessment Rubric for the Grading of Essays:
All of your written work in English 101 will be evaluated based on three areas
  1. The depth and content of your ideas
  2. The rhetorical organization of the essay
  3. The use of Standard Academic English
Serious deficiencies in any one area can cause overall failure.

Regular Attendance. The Department adheres strictly to the University policy, which permits three absences ("excused" and otherwise) for a three credit; after which, the final grade will be lowered. Three late arrivals (after ten minutes) are equal to one absence. After fifteen minutes, do not enter class. You are absent. Typically, each absence in excess of three will lower the final grade by one-third of a grade point. Attendance starts once your name appears on the roster.

In Order to Receive a Final Grade, the Following Outcomes Will Need to Be Reached:
  1. English Department requirement for ENG 101 (formerly 102): At least one B- grade on an in-class essay (part of the ENG 101 Assessment component).
  2. Students must earn at least a C- on four essays. Failure to accomplish requirement 1 & 2 will result in an "F" as the final grade.
  3. Fifty percent (50%) of the grade will be allotted to the papers; thirty percent (30%) will be from the midterm and the final exam. Ten percent (10 %) will come from the journal. Ten percent (10 %) will come from the Academic Deportment grade that includes homework, tests, quizzes, and participation.
  4. Late work will be penalized by a grade reduction and may be refused altogether.
  5. Students will be required to meet the attendance requirement.
The remaining ten percent of a final grade will consist of participation, homework, and quizzes.

From The Bulletin
Class Attendance
Lincoln University uses the class method of teaching, which assumes that each student has something to contribute and something to gain by attending class. It further assumes that there is much more instruction absorbed in the classroom than can be tested on examinations. Therefore, students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled class meetings and should exhibit good faith in this regard.
For the control of absences, the faculty adopted the following regulations:
  1. Four absences may result in an automatic failure in the course.
  2. Three tardy arrivals may be counted as one absence.
  3. Absences will be counted starting with whatever day is specified by the instructor but not later than the deadline for adding or dropping courses.
  4. In case of illness, death in the family, or other extenuating circumstances, the student must present documented evidence of inability to attend classes to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. However, in such cases the student is responsible for all work missed during those absences.
  5. Departments offering courses with less than full-course credit will develop and submit to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management a class attendance policy in keeping with the above.
  6. Students representing the University in athletic events or other University sanctioned activities will be excused from class(es) with the responsibility of making up all work and examinations. The Registrar will issue the excused format to the faculty member in charge of the off- or on-campus activity for delivery by the student(s) to their instructors.
Approved by the Faculty of Lincoln University

Students are responsible for proper conduct and integrity in all of their scholastic work. They must follow a professor's instructions when completing tests, homework, and laboratory reports, and must ask for clarification if the instructions are not clear. In general, students should not give or receive aid when taking exams, or exceed the time limitations specified by the professor. In seeking the truth, in learning to think critically, and in preparing for a life of constructive service, honesty is imperative. Honesty in the classroom and in the preparation of papers is therefore expected of all students. Each student has the responsibility to submit work that is uniquely his or her own. All of this work must be done in accordance with established principles of academic integrity.

  1. Acts of Academic Dishonesty (Cheating)

    Specific violations of this responsibility include, but are not limited to, the following:
  2. Plagiarism
  3. Sanctions:
    1. Warning: A written notice that repetitions of misconduct will result in more severe disciplinary action. The warning becomes part of the student’s file in the Office of the Registrar and, if there is no other example of misconduct, is removed at the time of graduation.
    2. Failure for project (exam, paper, experiment)
    3. Failure of course - for serious and repeat offenses, the University reserves the right to suspend or expel.
    Imposition of Sanctions
    First Offense - A and/or B
    Second and Subsequent Offenses - B or C
    Expectations and sanctions will be explained in every syllabus. Students failing a course because of an instance of academic dishonesty may not drop the course. The student may appeal a charge of academic dishonesty within ten days of receiving notice of same. The appeal will be heard by an Academic Hearing Board (AHB) consisting of the chairs of each division of study and the President of the SGA (or their designees). Files violations of this academic integrity code will be kept in the Office of the Registrar.
English 101 Course Schedule
(I reserve the right to revise the schedule as I see fit during the course of the semester)

Cause and Effect Analysis

Week One : Introduction to the Course
Week Two : Exemplification
Week Three : Grammar [Clarity]
Week Four : Western Women's Harem [p. 186]
Week Five : Hip-Hop [p.194]
Week Six : A Long Way Gone [120 pages]
Week Seven : Gone [108 pages]   Grammar [Subject-Verb]
Week Eight : Mid-Term Exams
Week Nine : Comparison and Contrast [Slave Labor p. 271]
Week Ten : Grammar [Punctuation & MLA Style Sheet]
Week Eleven : Classification [Life According to TV p. 234]
Week Twelve : The Comics [p.253]
Week Thirteen : Grammar [Research]
Week Fourteen : Cause and Effect [Daughters p.353]
Week Fifteen : Revision & Preparation for Exam

Reading Day (All Students)

English 101 Consent Form
Must be signed and returned by everyone
(Please print, sign and return to instructor.)

I understand the attendance policy. Writing Lab hours will count as class attendance with a scale of one hour equaling one class. I must schedule and complete 12 hours in the Lab by the end of the semester. I know that any absences more than three will cause my final course grade to fall by one third of a grade. I further realize that absences in excess of eight will probably cause course failure.

I understand that attendance will be taken each class with a written roster. Failure to get my name on the roster is my fault and constitutes an absence.

I understand that I may be late up to ten minutes without a lateness (however I may miss a class activity, which cannot be made up, and suffer the consequence of that); however, after ten minutes, I will be late (and three late arrivals equal one absence). I will not enter class after fifteen minutes late. If the instructor is not in class by fifteen minutes after the start of class, I may leave without penalty.

I understand that I must do all the work or that I will fail the course.

I understand that cell phones should be turned off prior to the start of class, and that while they may ring during the class, they are never to be answered. If I answer a cell phone, I understand that I have just received an absence.

I understand that my behavior must conform to the standards as articulated in the University Code of Conduct. Any disruptions, disrespect, or obscenity will cause an absence and may require a written explanation for my actions submitted to my instructor, Dr. Hoogeveen, Dr. Button (Department of English Chair), and Dr. Willis (Dean of School of Humanities) before I may return to class.

I understand how the grades will be calculated for all my assignments and I understand how my final grade will be computed.

I understand and will abide by the syllabus.

Signature and date: